A woman dressed as a mermaid swims underwater

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[email protected]
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Joined: Thu Dec 12, 2024 3:17 am

A woman dressed as a mermaid swims underwater

Post by [email protected] »

Become a Mermaid
Yes, I'm serious. Right in our own Mediterranean, we have a mermaid school. The idea sells itself: who on earth wouldn't want to swim like Ariel in The Little Mermaid? OK, aesthetically, for some men it may not be something that fits their plans, but that's because they haven't met the right mermaid.

Now your socks come in threes
No more searching for your lost pair of socks. No more, because Throx list of algeria whatsapp phone numbers has decided that it's better to take three, not two. We can consider it as a spare tire. Have you had a puncture (a tomato)? No problem. We just take out the spare sock and that's it.

Three Santa Claus socks
You can now insult your waiter without any problem.
Are you one of those people who gets irritated when the food arrives late? At Casa Pocho they have everything planned. If you've had a tough day at work, there's nothing like a beer and a tapa. And then, you start insulting. You can say anything, don't worry. What's more, if your insult is creative enough, you'll even get a tapa and a beer for free.


But for many people, especially the first time, it's hard to insult a stranger for no reason. Until they provoke you. Because yes, that's the idea. Or what do you think, with that face you have.
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